
This is a rehabilitation facility for former child soldiers in Patongo, Uganda - built in collaboration with humanitarian architecture charity Article 25.

Four pavilions are built around a collegiate courtyard, organized in a pin wheel fashion. The circulation route is a covered colonnade that overlooks the communal space. The pavilions are designed for cross and stack ventilation. The corrugated metal roofs have generous overhangs that offer protection from tropical rain, shade on hot days, and can harvest rain water.

Designed to make use of local skills and materials, we used stabilized soil blocks. These were made on site by, mixing and compressing local sifted sand with a little cement and water, using a special manual press. The school is in an earthquake zone so we used the soil blocks to shutter reinforced concrete columns. This tranquil place helps to define and create a community. It offers cooperation, ideas and support.


St Michael's

